TX093 米空軍、シコルスキー社のHH-60W ジョリーグリーンII戦闘救難ヘリコプターの運用開始
First production AW609 takes flight
By Dominic Perry19 October 2022
Leonardo Helicopters社は、AW609ティルトローターの量産初号機を飛行させ、このプログラムが認証に近づいていることを明らかにしました。
Leonardo Helicopters has flown the first production AW609 tiltrotor as the programme moves closer to certification.
Taking place from the airframer’s Philadelphia production facility on 13 October, the sortie assessed general handling and systems performance.

AW609はAC5と呼ばれ、米国にあるプロトタイプとイタリアにある2つのプロトタイプと一緒に、連邦航空局の認証取得に向けて邁進しています。2023年の就航を目指します。Designated as AC5, the AW609 joins a prototype based in the USA and two more located in Italy, as the company pushes towards Federal Aviation Administration certification. Service entry is targeted for 2023.
「この驚くべき成果は、昨年来のAW609プログラムの技術的進歩や公の場におけるいくつかのマイルストーンに加えられるものです」と、Leonardo Helicopters社社長のGian Piero Cutilloは述べています。
It will be retained by Leonardo Helicopters as a customer demonstrator and mission expansion asset. In addition, three customer aircraft are now in final assembly.
“This amazing achievement adds to several milestones for the AW609 programme over the last year, through its technical progress and during its public appearances,” says Gian Piero Cutillo, managing director of Leonardo Helicopters.
“Together this testifies the level of maturity this ground-breaking programme has reached and our credentials to pioneer in the emerging fast rotorcraft domain.”
米空軍、シコルスキー社のHH-60W ジョリーグリーンII戦闘救難ヘリコプターの運用開始を宣言
US Air Force declares Sikorsky’s HH-60W Jolly Green II combat rescue helicopter operational
By Ryan Finnerty, Tampa、13 October 2022

HH-60W Jolly Green IIは、米空軍のHH-60G Pave Hawkに代わり、パイロットの回収や救護任務の空からの支援を行う機体です。
Source: US Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Tristan McIntire.
HH-60W Jolly Green IIは、米空軍のHH-60G Pave Hawkに代わり、パイロットの回収や救護任務の空からの支援を行う機体です。
The new HH-60W Jolly Green II will replace the USAF’s HH-60G Pave Hawk fleet in providing aerial support to pilot recovery and medevac missions.
U.S. Air Force Takes Delivery of First Production
Jolly Green II Combat Rescue Helicopter

Jolly Green II Combat Rescue Helicopter
Building on the state-of-the-art UH-60M Black Hawk, the HH-60W “Whiskey” adds capability advancements to better support the full range of combat rescue and other special missions. Designed to meet long-range and high threat requirements for the U.S. Air Force, the Whiskey will expand upon the legendary Black Hawk’s versatility by doubling the internal fuel capacity without the use of space hungry auxiliary fuel tanks, provides a robust weapons suite, and integrates defensive systems and sensors to provide an unprecedented combination of range and survivability. Additionally, by retaining 100% commonality with all UH-60M engine and dynamic systems, the aircraft provides the most sophisticated rotorcraft in the world at an extremely affordable price and total ownership cost over the entire life cycle.
The U.S. Air Force program of record calls for 113 helicopters to replace the Air Force’s aging HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters, which perform critical combat search and rescue and personnel recovery operations for all U.S. military services and allies.
Combat Rescue Helicopter Marches On to Full Mission Readiness
Capability Advancements

U.S. Air Force Declares Initial Operational Capability Of Sikorsky HH-60W Jolly Green II

STRATFORD, Conn., October 12, 2022 –米空軍は、HH-60WジョリーグリーンII戦闘救難ヘリコプターの初期運用能力(IOC:Initial Operational Capability)を宣言し、空軍の救難隊員を世界中に前方展開するための運用準備が整ったことを確認しました。HH-60Wは、ロッキード・マーチン(NYSE:LMT)傘下のシコルスキーが設計・製造しており、米空軍がより広範囲で厳しい環境下で、生存性を高めながら救助任務を遂行できるようにするものです。
STRATFORD, Conn., October 12, 2022 — The U.S. Air Force declared Initial Operational Capability (IOC) for the HH-60W Jolly Green II Combat Rescue Helicopter, validating the platform’s operational readiness to forward deploy Air Force rescue crews around the globe. Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company (NYSE: LMT) designed and manufactures the HH-60W, which enables the U.S. Air Force to conduct rescue missions at greater ranges and in the most challenging environments, and with increased survivability.
“This declaration is a vote of confidence from U.S. Air Force leadership and demonstrates the critical role of and need for the HH-60W,” said Nathalie Previte, vice president, Sikorsky Army & Air Force Systems. “Sikorsky is committed to continuing deliveries of the Department of Defense’s only dedicated combat search and rescue (CSAR) helicopter and to provide the most capable platform to rescue crews who depend on this aircraft day-in and day-out to conduct vital life-saving missions.”
In addition to the IOC declaration, on September 7, the Air Force conducted its first successful mission utilizing the HH-60W to transport a man from Valdosta State University in Georgia to a hospital in Tampa, Florida. Additionally, the Air Force recently announced the aircraft has been deployed for the first time to provide rescue services in support of contingency operations.
U.S. Air Force Purpose-Built Rescue Helicopter
As the sole dedicated combat rescue platform in the Department of Defense, the Jolly Green II Combat Rescue Helicopter builds on the decades-long legacy of U.S. Air Force combat rescue and recapitalizes the critical combat search and rescue fleet providing U.S. Air Force combat rescue warriors with the best capability for their critical and demanding lifesaving mission. The HH-60W Jolly Green II, which is replacing the aging HH-60G Pavehawk, was specially built for the Air Force’s combat rescue mission based on fully-vetted operational requirements.
The next generation helicopter provides enhanced survivability while recovering isolated personnel from hostile territory, day or night, in adverse weather, and in a full range of threat environments. It enables Air Force Combat Rescue Team to fulfill their mission “That Others May Live” and “Leave No One Behind”.
Mission-Critical Capabilities, Life Saving Support
HH-60WジョリーグリーンIIは、HH-60G Pave Hawkの後継機として開発された機体です。HH-60W ジョリーグリーンIIは、H-60Mブラックホークの実績ある生存性と信頼性を生かし、高度なデジタル設計技術、迅速なミッションシステム統合のためのオープンアーキテクチャ、空中給油システム、生存性と防御システムの改良、キャビンとコックピットの装甲、統合兵器、主燃料タンク容量644ガロンへの増加などが盛り込まれています。これらの先進技術により、ジョリーグリーンIIは、戦闘司令官の今日の要求と、新たな共同全領域作戦(JADO)の要求に応え、ほぼ同等の競争において、紛争に勝利することができるのです。
The new HH-60W Jolly Green II will replace the HH-60G Pave Hawk fleet. Leveraging the proven survivability and reliability of the H-60M Black Hawk, the HH-60W Jolly Green II incorporates advanced digital design techniques, an open architecture for rapid mission system integration, an air refueling system, upgraded survivability and defensive systems, cabin and cockpit armor, integrated weapons, and increases main fuel tank capacity to 644 gallons. These advanced technologies enable the Jolly Green II to meet the Combatant Commander’s demands of today and the emerging Joint All Domain Operations (JADO) requirements in near peer competition and win in conflict.
Capability Highlights:
- 空力性能とホバー性能の向上
- メインタンク容量が360ガロンから644ガロンに増加し、空中給油が可能なため航続距離が伸びた。
- 先進的で統合されたサバイバビリティと防御システム
- 2つの戦術的データリンクとインテル・レシーバーを含む拡張された通信機能により、ネット中心的な接続を実現し、全領域での共同作業を可能にします。
- 高解像度センサー
- 大型化されたメインキャビン
- アップグレードされた装甲と弾道保護
シコルスキーは、エンジニアリング&マニュファクチャリング開発機とロット1機を含む24機を空軍に納入しています。 ロット2は12機で構成され、今年6月に納入が開始されました。シコルスキーはこれまでに4つの製造ロットを受注しており、直近では2022年2月に14機分のロット4を受注しています。さらに10機以上のロット5の契約は、2023年に空軍から受注する予定です。
詳細情報については、当社ウェブサイトへ www.lockheedmartin.com/crh
- Expanded aerodynamic and hover performance
- Increased main full tank – 644 gallons vs 360 gallons – and air refuellable for greater range
- Advanced and integrated survivability and defensive systems
- Expanded communications including two Tactical Datalinks & Intel Receivers for Net-centric connectivity to operate in the joint-all domain environment
- Higher resolution sensors
- Larger main cabin
- Upgraded armor and ballistic protection
Sikorsky has delivered 24 aircraft to the Air Force, including all Engineering & Manufacturing Development and Lot 1 aircraft. Lot 2 deliveries, comprised of 12 aircraft, began in June of this year. Sikorsky has been awarded four production lots to date, most recent recently Lot 4 for 14 aircraft in February 2022. The contract for Lot 5 for an additional 10 or more aircraft is expected to be awarded by the Air Force in 2023.
For additional information, visit our website: www.lockheedmartin.com/crh.
About Lockheed Martin
Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin Corporation is a global security and aerospace company that employs approximately 114,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products, and services.
Best regards,
Shoichi Sugiyama, Ph.D.